What the hell is wrong with me? 
I'm not who i want to be
I tried spot cream an' i tried it all 
I'm crawling 	up the wall!

 What's my naaaame.... Naaaame....naaaame....

I tried to join a ping-pong club, 
Sign on the door said all full up!
I got nicked, fighting in the road
An' the judge didn't even know

 What's my name

Dad got pissed so i got clocked
Couldn't hear the tannoy so he lost the lot 
Offers mum a bribe through the letter box 
Drives you fucking mad

 What's my name

Now i'm round the back of your house at night 
Peeping in the window - are you sleeping tight?
I laugh at your locks with my celloid strip 
An' you won't know who came

 What's my naaaame.... Naaaame....naaaame....
 What's my naaaame.... Naaaame....naaaame....